Learn how to uninstall and reinstall SendSuite Mobile on a T747 or T763 Tracking Assistant.
Products affected: SendSuite Mobile, T747 Tracking Assistant, T763 Tracking Assistant
Uninstalling SendSuite Mobile
- Turn on and unlock the Tracking Assistant.
- Swipe left or right to locate the SendSuite Mobile app.
- Press and hold the SendSuite Mobile app icon until the screen changes.
- Drag the SendSuite Mobile app icon over the trash can in the upper left corner of the screen until it turns red, then release.
- Select Ok at the confirmation prompt.
- Select Ok after the uninstallation is complete.
- Turn on and unlock the Tracking Assistant.
- Using the device's web browser, go to http://<machineIP>/Clientsetup, where <machineIP> is replaced by the domain name or IP address of the SendSuite Tracking application server.
Note: For Pitney Bowes-hosted solutions or servers that are otherwise made public, use the administrator-provided domain name instead of the machine IP.
- Select the Download link for SendSuite Mobile APK.
- When the download is complete, select the Home key.
- Swipe left or right to locate Downloads.
- Select Downloads.
- Select SSMobile.apk.
- Select Install.
- Select Done to return to Downloads.
- Select Open to open SendSuite Mobile.
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