Frequently asked questions
- Why do I need to adjust the brightness of my monitor?
The process being used to send your network credentials to the device involves your monitor flashing in order to communicate with the SmartLink device. Due to energy saving features currently in monitors, some of the data can be lost during this transmission when the brightness setting is not at 100%.
- What if the network I need to connect to isn't in range?
In the event that the wireless network isn't in range of your computer, please visit the website using a mobile device such as a laptop, tablet, or mobile smartphone to complete the connection process.
- Will my SmartLink device lose its settings after it's turned off?
No. The SmartLink device saves its connection credentials in case it is powered off. Once it is powered on, it will be able to connect to the same network without you needing to redo the connection process.
- What if I want to connect it to a different network?
If you would like to connect it to a different network, please follow the connection instructions again using the different network credentials.
- What Wi-Fi networks are supported?
The SmartLink device supports 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz networks and 802.11a/n 5GHz networks.
Wired Internet Troubleshooting
The device is not powered.
- Please plug in the device to the nearest outlet using the included A/C Adapter.
- If the device is already plugged in, please check the outlet’s power is on.
My device is not blinking green
Match the code your device is blinking to the list of codes below. If your device is showing multiple codes, refer to the code that is furthest down in the list.
Waiting for Ethernet
There is an issue with the wired connection to the device.
- Verify the wired Ethernet cable is securely plugged in to the device and the network port.
- Check that the lights on the device near the Ethernet cable are illuminated.
- Verify the network port has an active internet connection.
Getting IP address
The device is unable to retrieve an IP address from your network.
- Check the DHCP settings on your router to make sure it is enabled and has enough IP address for all your device, including the SmartLink device access to your network.
- Check that MAC Address Filtering is either not enabled or that it is allowing the SmartLinkTM device access to your network.
Connecting to server
The device is unable to connect through your network.
- The ports that SmartLinkTM uses to connect to the internet are being blocked by your network firewall. The SmartLinkTM device will connect with port 31314, 993, or 443 using TCP. Please verify your network allows traffic through these ports. The SmartLink device will also get upgrades with port 80 using TCP. Please allow this port as well.
- The URL that the SmartLinkTM uses to connect to the internet is being blocked by your network firewall. The SmartLinkTM device connects to the address Please make sure this is allowed through your firewall.
The device is updating. This process is normal and only happens once the SmartLinkTM device is connected to the internet. This process may take up to a minute. After this process is done, the device will blink green.
Normal Operation
This is the normal operation of the device. Your device is connected to the internet correctly.
Wireless Internet Troubleshooting
The device is not powered.
- Please plug in the device to the nearest outlet using the included A/C Adapter.
- If the device is already plugged in, please check the outlet’s power is on.
My device is not blinking green
Match the code your device is blinking to the list of codes below. If your device is showing multiple codes, refer to the code that is furthest down in the list.
No Wi-Fi Settings
The device has no Wi-Fi credentials. If you have tried the transmission process and the device is still showing this code then there may be an issue with the monitor you’re using. Please try the process again with a different monitor, a tablet, or a smartphone.
Searching for Wi-Fi network
The device is unable to find the network.
- Verify the Network Name (SSID) and Password are correct for your network. Note: Both the Network Name and Password are Case-Sensitive!
- Verify the network you are trying to connect to has an active internet connection and is accessible from your location.
Joining Wi-Fi network
The device is unable to join your network.
- Verify the Network Password is correct for your network.
- The SmartLinkTM device is unable to connect to networks requiring additional user authentication besides the Network Name and Password at this time. These networks are often called 802.1X networks. Please verify you’re not trying to connect to this type of network.
Getting IP address
The device is unable to retrieve an IP address from your network.
- Check the DHCP settings on your router to make sure it is enabled and has enough IP address for all your devices, including the SmartLinkTM device.
- Check that MAC Address Filtering is either not enabled or that it is allowing the SmartLinkTM device access to your network.
Connecting to server
The device is unable to connect through your network.
- The ports that SmartLinkTM uses to connect to the internet are being blocked by your network firewall. The SmartLinkTM device will connect with port 31314, 993, or 443 using TCP. Please verify your network allows traffic through these ports. The SmartLink device will also get upgrades with port 80 using TCP. Please allow this port as well.
- The URL that the SmartLinkTM uses to connect to the internet is being blocked by your network firewall. The SmartLinkTM device connects to the address Please make sure this is allowed through your firewall.
The device is updating. This process is normal and only happens once the SmartLinkTM device is connected to the internet. This process may take up to a minute. After this process is done, the device will blink green.
Normal Operation
This is the normal operation of the device. Your device is connected to the internet correctly.
Meter Connection Troubleshooting
First, verify the Network Connectivity Light is blinking green. Once this is done, look at the USB Connectivity Light on your device. If your device is not solid green, then select the option below that best matches your device.
The SmartLinkTM device does not see a Pitney Bowes meter connected.
- Verify meter is powered on.
- Verify the USB cable is plugged into the meter and the device securely.
- Disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable from the SmartLinkTM device and the meter.
The SmartLinkTM device is connected to your meter, but may not be communicating.
- Verify there is no warning message on the meter screen. If there is a warning or error message, please clear that message using the buttons on the meter.
- Disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable from the SmartLink device and the meter.
The SmartLinkTM device is connected to your meter.
Advance Connection Options Troubleshooting
Look at the Network Connectivity Light on your device. Select the option below that matches your lights behavior.
My device lights are off
The device is not powered.
- Please plug in the device to the nearest outlet using the included A/C Adapter.
- If the device is already plugged in, please check the outlet’s power is on.T
My device is not blinking green
Match the code your device is blinking to the list of codes below. If your device is showing multiple codes, refer to the code that is furthest down in the list.
No Wi-Fi Settings / Waiting for Ethernet
The device has no Wi-Fi credentials or is waiting for an Ethernet connection.
- Advanced network setup requires the transmission process for setting up the device. Please refer to the Advanced Options button on the SmartLink Setup Instructions website for instructions on how to do this.
- If you have tried the transmission process and the device is still showing this code then there may be an issue with the monitor you’re using. Please try the process again with a different monitor, a tablet, or a smartphone.
Searching for Wi-Fi network
The device is unable to find the network.
- Verify the Network Name (SSID) and Password are correct for your network. Note: Both the Network Name and Password are Case-Sensitive!
- Verify the network you are trying to connect to has an active internet connection and is accessible from your location.
Joining Wi-Fi network
The device is unable to join your network.
- Verify the Network Password is correct for your network.
- The SmartLinkTM device is unable to connect to networks requiring additional user authentication besides the Network Name and Password at this time. These networks are often called 802.1X networks. Please verify you’re not trying to connect to this type of network.
Getting IP address
The device is unable to retrieve an IP address from your network.
- Check the DHCP settings on your router to make sure it is enabled and has enough IP address for all your device, including the SmartLinkTM device.
- Check that MAC Address Filtering is either not enabled or that it is allowing the SmartLinkTM device access to your network.
Connecting to server
The device is unable to connect through your network.
- The ports that SmartLinkTM uses to connect to the internet are being blocked by your network firewall. The SmartLinkTM device will connect with port 31314, 993, or 443 using TCP. Please verify your network allows traffic through these ports. The SmartLink device will also get upgrades with port 80 using TCP. Please allow this port as well.
- The URL that the SmartLinkTM uses to connect to the internet is being blocked by your network firewall. The SmartLinkTM device connects to the address Please make sure this is allowed through your firewall.
Proxy Address/Port incorrect
The device is unable to connect through your proxy.
- Validate your proxy settings are correct and the proxy is available.
Proxy access credentials rejected
The device is unable to connect to your proxy.
- Verify the proxy credentials entered are correct. Proxy Usernames and Passwords may be case sensitive depending on your configuration.
The device is updating. This process is normal and only happens once the SmartLinkTM device is connected to the internet. This process may take up to a minute. After this process is done, the device will blink green.
Normal Operation
This is the normal operation of the device. Your device is connected to the internet correctly.
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